Warner Bros. Pictures Presents Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is a series of comics released by Dr Pepper, acting as prequels to the 2016 film Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. They were obtained by scanning barcodes on the Dr Pepper cans in order to read comics focusing on specific characters from the film.
- "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice – Batman"
- "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice – Lois Lane"
- "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice – Senator Finch"
- "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice – Superman"
- "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice – Lex Luthor"
- Writer - Gage, Christos
- Pencillir - Bennett, Joe
- Illustrator - Parsons, Sean
- Colorist - Hi-Fi
- Letterer - Bennett, Deron
- Editor - Antone, Alex