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Oliver Jonas Queen is the bow and arrow wielding crimefighter known as the Green Arrow, outside of his costume he is the CEO of Queen Industries, an organization based in the United States. He is the partner of another crimefighter, Black Canary.

He began his vigilante career after an incident in which he was betrayed by his business partner, Hackett, and discovered a criminal conspiracy involving his company.


Early life[]

Oliver is the son of business magnate Robert Queen and the heir of the company. He always had a knack for archery since his dad took him to the archery range and found out he had a natural talent at the sport.

Meeting Dinah Lance[]

His father had hired a bodyguard for him, this was the first time he met Dinah Lance. Over the years they became close friends and eventually developed feelings for each other.

The Queen Industries Conspiracy[]

In 2007, a business meeting after the death of his father Robert Queen is a taken place on a yacht. He was then suddenly betrayed and attacked by his partner Hackett and thrown off the boat.

Washed ashore[]

An hour later he washed ashore on an Island near the Carribean.

Confronting Deathstroke[]


Facing the Legion of Doom[]


Ra's al-Ghul's attack on the Justice League[]

Ra's al-Ghul manipulates Batman to turn against the League, attacking Oliver through tarnishing his company

Fall of Queen Industries[]

Queen Industries is shut down

The mysterious archer[]

Having midlife crisis at the age of 46, Oliver is somber and concerned about not being able to return to the streets as the Green Arrow

Death of Superman[]

Oliver attends Superman's funeral with Dinah.

Darkseid's Second Invasion of Earth[]



Oliver is killed by Superman after Superman succumbs to the Anti-Life.


Oliver is a humorous person.


  • Archery: First and foremost of Oliver's abilities is his prowess with a bow and arrow. Since his teenage years, Oliver had a natural skill in archery. He can use anything from the most simple bows, to complicated composite bows and trick arrows with full efficiency.
  • Master Martial Artist: Oliver trained under Ted Grant for a period of time. He studied the human body and has knowledge of various pressure points and holds.
  • Peak Human Condition: As a result of his rigorous training over the years, Oliver is at the upper end of natural human abilities. He uses a bow with a 150-pound draw weight, which helped him build up his strength over time.
  • Tactical Analysis: Oliver is an expert at strategic thinking.
  • Swordsmanship: Green Arrow is proficient in using swords as well.
  • Investigation: Little known about him is that he is a quite skilled detective.
  • Swimming: He has learned swimming since childhood.
  • Multilingualism: Due to his top education, he learned several languages other than his native English, having known Spanish, German, French, and Italian.
  • Hunting: He was able to survive being stranded on an island and hunting animals for consumption.
  • Driving: Oliver can drive motorcycles and cars.


  • Trick Arrows: Green Arrow has a variety of trick arrows he stores in his quiver.
  • Bow: Green Arrow uses a custom bow.
  • Quiver: It's where he stores his arrows.



  • Robert Queen - father
  • Moira Queen - mother


  • Dinah Lance/Black Canary - love interest
  • Roy Harper/Red Arrow - protege
  • Taiana
  • Justice League
    • Bruce Wayne/Batman
    • Diana Prince/Wonder Woman
    • |Barry Allen/Flash
    • Arthur Curry/Aquaman
    • Hal Jordan/Green Lantern
    • J'onn J'onzz/Martian Manhunter
    • Billy Batson/Shazam
  • Justice Society of America - allies
    • Carter Hall/Hawkman
    • Sheira Hall/Hawkgirl
    • Kent Nelson/Doctor Fate
    • Michael Holt/Mister Terrific
    • Kara Zor-L/Power Girl
    • Teth-Adam/Black Adam - former Legion of Doom enemy


  • Chien Yu Lao/China White
  • Hackett - former business partner
  • Slade Wilson/Deathstroke
  • Legion of Doom
    • Lex Luthor
    • Barbara Minerva/Cheetah
    • David Hyde/Black Manta
  • Ra's al-Ghul
    • Talia al-Ghul
  • drug dealers - slaughter victims
  • Darkseid
    • Clark Kent/Superman - killer and former teammate
    • Parademons

Behind the scenes[]

External Links[]