DC Extended Universe Wiki

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Hank412 Hank412 5 October 2016

It's Happening

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Hank412 Hank412 2 April 2016

Power and Good - Analysis of BvS

Because sheer boredom and depression had been sneaking its way up my butt, I figured I'd write about something that made me happy: BVS. I was sitting down and watching HISHE's review of the film, and he brought up the possibility of Lex's saying: "If god is all powerful, he cannot be all good. And if god is all good, he cannot be all powerful." Being an overarching theme of the film. I thought about it and...yeah, that actually makes a lot of sense. So, this is a little analysis I did with the film about this.

  • 1 Batman's Escalation
  • 2 Luthor's Master Plan
  • 3 Death of Superman
  • 4 The Most Powerful Man in the World

From the prequel comics and film itself, we learn how Bruce feels about his stance on his war on crime. He feels burned out, almost outmatch…

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Hank412 Hank412 7 February 2016

What Comic Arcs do you want to see adapted?

I really want to see an adaptation of:

  • Superman: For the Man that has everything. This is hands down one of my favorite Superman stories, it shows him as the hero we know him to be and as the badass we want him to be.
  • Batman: Endgame. For me, this is Batman at his best and Joker at his absolute worst, with one hell of a brutal finale that I'd love to see on film.
  • Flashpoint. Gal Gadot vs Jason Mamoa. Professor Zoom as the villain and one of my favorite Flash stories.
  • All-Star Superman. said to be the Greatest Superman story ever written. nuff said.
  • And for fun: Harley's Little Black Book. Harley interacting with all the leaguers? Comedy gold.
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Hank412 Hank412 9 December 2015

Should Dc have shows that connect to the DCEU?

Do you think Dc should do something like Marvel's netflix shows, like HBO exclusives? I kind of want them to. It allows them to expand the universe and make it feel bigger than the movies can. Personally, I want to see a show connected to the DCEU starring The Question (so much I actually made a fan trailer), and the show would have more obscure Dc references, characters, and storylines. What do you guys think?

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Hank412 Hank412 6 December 2015

Okay, so what is the format for character pages?

SO, I'm kind of confused. Compare the superman page to the Batman page, Superman's page setup in terms of contents is set up more like a biography, while Batman is more like an encyclopedia, sort of. Basically, on some pages, a character's history is more like a biography with sections high lighting parts of their life while others have their sections set up by movie. So.... which is it?

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