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DC Extended Universe Wiki
This is my cousin... Barry
"This is my cousin... Barry." ―Barry Allen, The Flash
The title of this article is conjectural as this subject has no known canonical name in the DC Extended Universe.

An unidentified man is an individual whose body was taken over by Steve Trevor when Diana wished the latter back to life with the Dreamstone.


Possessed by Steve Trevor[]

This man was an engineer living in Washington, D.C., when, on July 2, 1984, Diana Prince made a wish on the Dreamstone to bring her lost love, Steve Trevor, back to life. The next morning it was Steve waking up in this man's body, on this man's futon.[1][2]


Later, after Steve had gone, Diana and this man happened to bump into each other and exchanged pleasantries. The man apparently didn't experience any of the events during which Steve used his body, as he didn't recognize Diana, with whom Steve had spent all his time. This meeting took place around Christmas time, presumably of 1984.[1]

Behind the Scenes[]

  • Steve appears to have been brought to life in his own body in the novel, though this man's apartment is still where he wakes up.
  • The host's body seems to bear a resemblance to the version of Steve Trevor played by Lyle Waggoner in the 1975 Wonder Woman TV series.
  • He's listed as "Handsome Man" in the film credits.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Wonder Woman 1984
  2. While this man is never mentioned in Wonder Woman 1984: The Junior Novel, the timing of Steve's takeover of his body is a bit more explained in the novel than in the film, indicating it was sometime during the night.