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DC Extended Universe Wiki
"A foundation has to be built on something
"A foundation has to be built on something." ―Dru-Zod, Man of Steel
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"You call the pen Steve?"
"Yeah, don't he look like a Steve?"
Billy Batson and Pedro Peña[src]

Steve is a magical pen located in the Library of the Eternity.


Helping Pedro Peña[]

""Crime and Punishment: A book report by Pedro Peña"? Pedro!"
"Dude, that's, that's cheating."
Mary Bromfield ad Billy Batson[src]

The pen was once found by Pedro Peña and he named it "Steve". When Pedro found out about its' power of infinite knowledge, he began using it to do his school work.

Helping the Shazam Family[]

To be added


"He knows everything. Seriously, ask him."
Pedro Peña[src]
  • Omniscience: Steve is a magical pen that is imbued with the knowledge of everything. When asked, Steve will write down the answer on a paper.



