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"But they worshiped us? We were gods to them."
"Now they worship machines. So I will build a machine... that will destroy them all."
Incubus and Enchantress[src]

The Return of Enchantress and Incubus was the reemergence of the Enchantress after June Moone unwittingly released Enchantress from millennia of imprisonment and was possessed to free Incubus, leading to the siblings' attempt to bring down modern civilization, remake the world in their image, destroy the weak, and enslave the strong.

This brought them into conflict with Amanda Waller and the newly formed Task Force X, during which they were defeated during the climactic Battle of Midway City.


Coup on Enchantress and Incubus[]

"The humans turned agaisnt us."
Enchantress to Incubus[src]

Several millennia ago, the interdimensional beings Enchantress and Incubus left their dimension, arriving in a part of South America, where they were worshipped as gods due to their magical powers, gaining recognition by humans during pre-Columbian culture, but eventually, the humans rebelled against their rulers, locking the siblings in two artifacts, which they hid in the Tres Osos Cave, Peru; leaving them abandoned for the following centuries along with Enchantress's heart and forgetting that they ever existed.[1]

Global Reformation[]

In the aftermath of Enchantress and Incubus' downfall, humans began reforming the world, leading to the creation of various technologies, cultures, and religions, which humanity would eventually revere to the extent of borderline worship.[1]


Liberation of Enchantress[]

"Wandered into the wrong cave. She opened something she shouldn't have. Releasing a metahuman more powerful than any we've encountered: Enchantress. She enhabits Dr. Moone's body now."
Amanda Waller[src]
June Moore becoming Enchantress

Moone is possesed by Enchantress.

In 2015, archaeologist June Moone carried out an expedition into Tres Osos Caves, uncovering an ancient shrine, finding the artifact containing Enchantress, which she accidentally broke, causing the release of the sorceress, who possessed the body of Enchantress. Moone, although she was able to control her only if she avoided saying her name. Moone's act was discovered by the director of A.R.G.U.S., Amanda Waller, so she sent Colonel Rick Flag and a group of soldiers to rescue Moone, visiting the cave where he went, stealing the heart of Enchantress and the artifact of Incubus.

Enchantress introducing herself

Enchantress is forced to introduce herself to the Pentagon.

Since Moone and Flag established a romantic relationship, Waller was able to acquire the heart in order to force Enchantress to work for her on various missions, considering her as a possible candidate for Task Force X, a team made up of criminals with special abilities, demonstrating what Enchantress was capable of at the Pentagon, receiving the green light to form the squad, without realizing that Enchantress developed a hatred towards Waller because he used her as a toy and decided to take advantage of a opportunity to betray her, discovering Moone's folders.[1]

Awakening of Incubus[]

"Where's your heart?"
"I will take it back. Until then you will share your power. Now help me build my weapon. It's time to wipe them out."
Incubus and Enchantress[src]
Incubus Mystical Tendrils (Still Image)

Incubus kills the soldiers.

At night, June Moone transformed into Enchantress after failing to control the sorceress and Rick Flag attempted to alert Amanda Waller, but she let Enchantress go when she threatened to kill Moone. Enchantress saw Moone's old files, discovered how she was imprisoned and found the Incubus artifact, so she traveled to the Midway City Train Terminal, heading to the bathrooms to ambush businessman Gerard Davis, as it would be his brother's body vessel, whom he freed and began wreaking havoc at the terminal, killing several soldiers.

Enchantress reunites with Incubus

Enchantress reunites with Incubus.

With concern, Waller sent Flag and Moone to deal with the problem, since Enchantress was the only one who could take down Incubus, but when Flag was going to activate the detonator that would kill the being, Enchantress escaped from his custody to meet with Incubus while Waller tried to kill her, striking her heart. After receiving more power from her brother, Enchantress told Incubus her plan for revenge against humans, beginning to create a super weapon and taking several civilians to transform them into the Eyes of the Adversary. Determined to investigate more about Enchantress, Waller stayed with her team in Midway City, ordering Flag to assemble Task Force X to go save her under the pseudonym "HVT1".[1]

Skirmish in Midway City[]

"That's how I cut and run."
Deadshot to Rick Flag[src]
Deadshot battles eyes of the adversary

Deadshot battles the Eyes of the Adversary.

After receiving the mission and being deceived that Midway City was destroyed by a terrorist attack, Task Force X headed to the city in search of HVT1 while they dealt with Slipknot's betrayal and then separated from the second military squad. While walking through the streets, the squad was confronted by a horde of Eyes of the Adversary, so they began fighting side by side with the military, protecting Rick Flag, with support from the Navy SEALs. Proving his worth, mercenary Deadshot demonstrated his abilities, eliminating all the Eyes of the Adversary and continuing their journey, discovering that the other squad was converted into Eyes of the Adversary by Enchantress.[1]

Battle at John F. Ostrander Federal Building[]

"Our body's at the top of that building. We get up there, pull them out of the vault they're hiding in. Helos extract us off the roof. It's Miller time."
Rick Flag to Task Force X[src]
Katana slices something

Katana slices a Eye of the Adversary.

During the trip, Task Force X and the Navy SEALs finally reached the John F. Ostrander Federal Building, where Amanda Waller and her team were, so they infiltrated to begin the extraction, but were distracted when Harley Quinn left in an elevator, causing the squad to go looking for her while she battled several Eyes of the Adversary before reuniting with the team. The squad then had to face more Eyes of the Adversary in the building again, but more began to appear, forcing Deadshot to provoke Chato Santana into incinerating his enemies.


Joker shoots at Task Force X.

As they were about to rescue Waller, Rick Flag ordered GQ Edwards and his companions to go to the roof of the building to prepare Savior 10 while he met with Waller in his vault, being discovered by Deadshot, who assumed that the squad would want to kill her after knowing that she was the one they had to save. After killing her own subordinates so that there would be no evidence of Enchantress, Waller rejoined the squad to leave Midway City, however, the squad was betrayed by Quinzel, who attempted to escape with her boyfriend, the Joker, in a stolen helicopter, although it was shot down by Waller's agents.

Amanda looks at Enchantress

Waller gives the heart to Enchantress.

Later, Waller headed out of the city with the heart, but to her frustration, the helicopter was shot down by Incubus and the Eyes of the Adversary, who kidnapped Waller to bring Enchantress her heart, restoring her full power. Instead of killing Waller for forcing her to transform, Enchantress chose to use her to obtain her knowledge and secrets from her while she continued building her super weapon. After learning the truth from Enchantress, the squad, along with Quinzel, went to Golden Tree Bar to vent their sorrows until they heard Flag's lament, which inspired the entire team to stop Enchantress and save the Earth, with the promise of that everyone will know what they did.[1]

Battle of Midway City[]

"Hey, lady? I lost my Puddin. But you can get him back, right?"
"I can, my dear. Anything you want."
"You promise?"
"Yes, child. You need only bow and serve beneath my feet."
"I like what you're sellin', lady. There's just one tiny problem. You messed with my friends!"
Harley Quinn and Enchantress[src]

At the Midway City Train Terminal, Task Force X began planning a plan to attack Enchantress, sending the Navy SEALs and Killer Croc underwater to activate the detonator that Rick Flag left days before while the squad detained Enchantress. When she sensed the squad, Enchantress tried to manipulate them, offering to give them their dream lives, although they rejected the offer to try to fight her, but first they had to face Incubus and at the same time, the military faced the Eyes of the Adversary underwater. In order for Incubus to be close to the detonator, El Diablo decided to sacrifice himself for his friends, confronting Incubus and dying along with him during the explosion.

Harley quickly apologizes Enchantress

Quinzel before attacking Enchantress.

Frustrated by her brother's death, Enchantress cast her spell to destroy several important A.R.G.U.S. bases. before being confronted by the squad, who were able to give battle to the sorceress, making her have mercy on them, mentioning her offer again when considering them worthy warriors and take revenge on humanity, although the squad refused again until Harley Quinn thought about joining her to get back the Joker, however, it was a trap by Quinzel to rip out Enchantress's heart, allowing Flag and Jones to throw another explosive at the weapon, which was destroyed by a coup de grace from Deadshot.

Moone and Flag reuniting

Flag and Moone reunite after the death of Enchantress.

The destruction of the super weapon caused Enchantress's spell to be disintegrated. After celebrating briefly, the squad realized that Enchantres was still alive and thanks to Captain Boomerang, Flag threatened the sorceress to destroy her heart if she did not bring June Moone back, but Enchantress claimed that she had died, causing Flag to destroy heart with anger, which finally killed Enchantress. To her surprise, Moone managed to survive leaving Enchantress' possession and the squad notified Flag of the news, making him happy to see that his lover was still alive, sharing a kiss of happiness in front of the team.[1]


"We just saved the world. A "thank you" would be nice."
"Thank you."
"You're welcome."
Harley Quinn and Amanda Waller[src]
Waller accepts the squad's requests

Waller access to reward Task Force X.

When Task Force was planning to escape, Amanda Waller stopped them, menacing to kill them using the Nano-Bombs, but after hearing Floyd Lawton's complaints that they won a reward for saving the Earth from the wrath of Enchantress, Waller agreed to reward each of them with their requests before they were sent to the Belle Reve Correctional Facility, where they earned ten years off their sentence. However, Harleen Quinzel was rescued by the Joker and his gang from her cell, returning together to Gotham City to continue committing crimes as a couple.


Wayne orders Waller to shut down Task Force X.

Days after learning what happened in Midway City, Bruce Wayne met with Waller Waller at a restaurant, offering to protect her from her enemies who were seeking to attack her, in exchange for receiving the files on some metahumans, briefly coming across the Enchantress folder, as Arthur Curry and Barry Allen, whom he thought about recruiting for a team. Before Bruce left, Waller advised him not to continue working at night after learning his identity as the vigilante Batman, but she was threatened by Bruce, who told her to shut down Task Force X or he and his friends would do it for her, leaving the restaurant.[1]

Much later, Harley mentioned the conflict to Cassandra Cain and boasted about having saved the entire world from evil.[2]

