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"All I've ever wanted was for our nations to live in peace with one another."
"I am! And Necrus will
never bow to you!"
King Atlan and Kordax[src]

The Necrusian War, also known as the Atlantis-Necrus War, was a major conflict between the Kingdom of Necrus and the Kingdom of Atlantis during the reign of King Atlan.

Due to Kordax's exploitation of Orichalcum, Atlan tried to plead with Kordax to stop using it, however Kordax believed that Atlan wanted the power of Necrus for himself and crafted the Black Trident. He used the Black Trident to transform the Necrusians into monsters and he went to war with Atlantis. Atlan defeated Kordax and imprisoned him and the Necrusian Undead with a blood curse. Shortly afterwards, everything related to Necrus was stripped from the chronicles.[1]


Prior to the Great Fall of Atlantis, the seven Kingdoms of Atlantis were originally part of a unified Atlantean empire. However, the Kingdom of Necrus was seen in a darker light and was tyrannically ruled by Kordax, the younger brother of Atlan.

When Kordax began exploiting deposits of Orichalcum, Necrus rapidly grew into a superpower, at the cost of poisoning the land and sea. As Kordax's actions were bringing the world closer to an ecological cataclysm, Atlan pleaded for Kordax to end his ambitions. However, Kordax vehemently refused and accused Atlan of trying to subjugate him and steal his newfound power.[1]


To be added.[1]

