- "I can't believe this thing had a bullet."
- ―Harley Quinn[src]
The Murder of Silvio Luna was an assassination planned by Harley Quinn after seeing a red flag in Silvio Luna.[1]
- "Harley Quinn's fire and rebellion in the face of American opression is something which my entire country aspires."
- ―Silvio Luna to Harley Quinn[src]
After the battle on the beach, Harley Quinn would be captured by the Corto Maltese Armed Forces on the orders of Silvio Luna, initially being imprisoned in an earth well so that she does not escape. Finally and in the morning, the soldiers would give Quinn a red dress that she should wear to go see the president who wanted to meet her. Quinn would be taken away in a luxurious limousine, while Luna's employees did her makeup.[1]
Upon arriving at the government house, the staff would welcome her, finally Quinn would enter inside where she met Silvio Luna. Luna welcomed her by seeing her as a heroine and an anti-American symbol, inviting her to have a romantic afternoon.[1]
- "If anyone does it say a negative word about New Presidente... they, their parents, their children, or anyone they ever loved... will be send to Jotunheim to feed the beast."
- ―Silvio Luna's final words[src]
Quinn and Luna would spend a whole romantic afternoon, when night came Luna would propose to her, Quinn would then accept after having initially believed that it was a joke, Quinn and Luna would have an intense sex where they would break a showcase with weapons. Later, Luna and Quinn would get up from the floor, and Quinn would ask if the base in the distance in the glass of the house was Jotunheim, then Luna would answer affirmatively, commenting on the rumors of a beast generated by the society of Corto Maltese.[1]
Luna explained how the Nazis created the base for asylum after World War II, later it would be used for experiments where the Starro creature was kept, Luna then said his plans to send all opponents of his government along with their relatives to be eaten by the beast. Instantly, Quinn would grab the weapon previously taken out of the display case to kill Luna with one shot, lying on the floor, Luna would listen as she died as Quinn would kill the next toxic boyfriend she had after her relationship with the Joker. Luna would finish dying on the floor, and Quinn would be surprised to see that the gun was loaded.[1]
Instantly after his death, Harley would be detained by the soldiers of the Armed Forces, being taken to a torture chamber where information on Task Force X and other Americans who had arrived in the country would be obtained. That same night, the generals of the armed forces would agree that Mateo Suarez is the predecessor to power as president, upon taking power, Suarez would kill the birds of Luna, considering them very romantic. Suarez would later attend Quinn's torture chamber to speak to her about the Americans in Corto Maltese, however he would not get an answer. Finally, Harley Quinn would manage to escape from the palace in an aggressive slaughter towards the guards.[1]