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"Batman has a coterie of supervillains. Joker, Riddler, Mad Hatter."
Auggie Smith's neighbor[src]

Jarvis Tetch, also known as Mad Hatter, is a supervillain who became an enemy of the Batman.[1]




  • In the comics, Jervis Tetch is a criminally insane individual who is obsessed with the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland.

Behind the Scenes[]

  • Mad Hatter was referenced in Time Out Shortlist Gotham and Metropolis, a tie-in book released in tandem with Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.
    • The book details an antiques and theatrical supplies store named 10/6, which is named after the "10/6" that appears on the Mad Hatter's hat in different adaptations of the character.
    • The book says customers of the store are "rabid enough to be brainwashed," a reference to the supervillain's mind control technology.


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