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DC Extended Universe Wiki

Karl's Pump & Brew, also known as Karl's, is a barbecue restaurant located in the Metropolis borough of New Troy.


Karl's Pump & Brew was established in a building that once housed an auto repair shop. It uses this fact as part of its gimmick, with themed dining areas such as the Muscle Car Mile and the Detroit Room. Some of these tables sit directly beneath classic cars mounted on maintenance lifts. Karl's has live music every Friday and Saturday night.[1][2]


  • Karl's Pump & Brew is open Mondays through Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. and Sundays from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.[2]
  • Karl's Pump & Brew's phone number is 1-637 555 0148.[2]
  • Karl's Pump & Brew's website is www.karlspumpandbrew.met.[2]

