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"No need to get jealous, Nth metal is great, but eternium can work miracles. Just think of the posibilities. Eternium-powered-thursters on the Hawk Cruiser? Blasters on your armor?"
―Jeremy to Carter Hall[src]

Jeremy is a companion of Carter Hall, who helps him in his missions as the vigilante Hawkman.


Accompanying Hawkman[]

Elements exhibition at St. Roch Museum[]

"Well, it's not as pretty as it used to be, but the eternium is still just as potent. If the museum wants to get rid-"
―Jeremy to Carter Hall[src]

At some point, Jeremy invited Hawkman to the elements exhibition at St. Roch Museum, leaving a letter on his desk as well as making it clear in all his diaries, Hawkman would then agree to go to the convention promising repeatedly. Jeremy eventually attended the day of the exhibit leaving a specific door open for Carter to enter, and later marveling at The Champion's artifact, however after a while he would realize that Carter did not show up at the museum.

Jeremy calls Hawkman to ask him to come to the elements exhibition at St

Jeremy calls Hawkman to ask him to come to the elements exhibition at St. Roch Museum.

Seeing that Hawkman didn't show up, Jeremy called Hawkman to ask him where he was, to which Hawkman replied that he was where he always was, to which Jeremy reminded him to attend the item display at the St. Roch Museum, causing Hall to sigh and I asked if it was really necessary, to which Jeremy replied in the affirmative, reminding him where he left the invitation and mentioning what minerals were on display. Hawkman would then arrive quickly commenting to Jeremy who proceeded to guide him to the entrance he left open.

Jeremy appreciates The Champion's display case

Jeremy appreciates The Champion's display case.

Finally Hall met with Jeremy who excitedly showed him the relic known as The Champion mentioning its antiquity, and approaching the display case to appreciate it Jeremy commented that it was made of 1% eternium, giving Hall the idea of using eternium in his armament and in the Hawk Cruiser, causing Hall to be annoyed for belittling the Nth metal, so Jeremy tried to excuse himself by making him think about the possibilities of the eternium.

Carter Hall and Jeremy are surprised by an explosion

Jeremy and Hall are surprised by an explosion.

Seeing that Carter did not listen to him, he tried to get his attention, however an explosion would occur causing the surprise of Jeremy and Carter, so Jeremy grabbed a napkin to be able to breathe in front of the smoke, while Carter asked all the civilians to run to the exit of the museum, in that Hall would ask Jeremy to go with them while he asked him where he was going, Jeremy then saw that The Champion's artifact was stolen asking Hall who he thought stole it, only to see that Hall had disappeared into the smoke.

Jeremy reviews the destroyed pieces of The Champion

Jeremy reviews the destroyed pieces of The Champion.

As Hall returned to the museum after the chase lowering the thief's deceased body in his arms, Jeremy approached Hall to ask about the Eternium-laced artifact, to which Hawkman scolded him for thinking about it by rubbing that a human life was lost. Finally, Carter gave him the bag with the artifact, asking him to return it to the museum, however, when he opened it, Jeremy complained that it had been destroyed, however when Hawkman felt a ghost, he asked Jeremy if he felt it too, to which Jeremy was worried.

Jeremy freaks out when he sees Craddock's ghost in The Champion's crystal

Jeremy freaks out when he sees Craddock's ghost in The Champion's crystal.

Later, Hawkman and Jeremy returned to the crime scene at the museum where Hall was questioned about the thief, while Jeremy looked at the destroyed pieces on a table, complaining that Hawkman didn't realize how potent the eternium was. However, Jeremy began to see the figure of the ghost of the thief Jim Craddock in the crystals, getting a scare scream that alerted Hawkman who ended up falling into Craddock's illusion.

Hawkman talks to Jeremy about what happened with Craddock

Jeremy meets with Hawkman to discuss what happened to Jim Craddock.

When Hawkman broke free of the illusion by sending Craddock back to Hell, he returned to the crime scene Hall met Jeremy who was waiting, Hawkman asked Jeremy if he was okay to which Jeremy assumed so asking if everything was alright, to which Hawkman claimed to believe that a crystal reacted with Craddock's spirit sending him back. Jeremy didn't believe him and thought that Hawkman hit his head during the explosion, but Carter explained that eternium really could work miracles, and that if Craddock was telling the truth about a premotic threat, he must to team up to stop it.[1]


"He's gone."
"And the eternium?"
"Is that all you can think about? A man is dead, Jeremy."
Hawkman and Jeremy[src]

Jeremy appears to be very loyal to Carter Hall, being someone who knows his vigilante identity as Hawkman. He shows up desperate when Hall doesn't show up early for the element exhibit, so he decides to call him, just as he leaves a door open for him to access the convention. Jeremy is also very opportunistic, admiring the potential that eternium has, he suggests to Carter the idea of using the mineral in his weapons and his Hawk Cruiser, but is annoyed when Carter doesn't listen to him.

Jeremy further demonstrates his greed when Hawkman returns from his chase with Jim Craddock bearing the thief's corpse in his arms, however Jeremy only shows to care about the status of the artifact, causing Hall to scold him for only caring about it denoting him that a human life was lost. Jeremy soon sees The Champion artifact and complains that it's destroyed, but eventually freaks out when he sees Craddock's ghost appear in the pieces. When Hawkman returns from his illusion and tells him about a premonition Craddock gave him, Jeremy is upset and doesn't believe him thinking that he suffered from the explosion in the chase, as well as when Hawkman backs off from questioning the eternium as he begins to believe that it could perform miracles.




