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Jack, known as Jackalope, is an inmate of Arkham Asylum. His nickname was given due to his face, which looks like a jackrabbit's, and a pair of long horns that he continually insists on wearing.[1]


Since birth, Jackalope was known to have grown with floppy ears, a button nose and buck teeth. He eventually started wearing a pair of heavy horns fastened under his jaw. Jackalope worked as a cleaner for WayneTech at some point, mopping floors and polishing windows. As a result of wearing his horns, Jackalope was eventually fired and then later committed to Arkham Asylum. Whenever doctors attempted to remove the horns, it would trigger a screaming fit from Jackalope that could last for days.

Eventually, Jackalope made the acquaintance of fellow patient Babrius Aesop who had also worked for WayneTech. Aesop would enchant Jackalope with various fairy tales and promises of being able to work at the Gotham Gimbals factory to help Aesop take over Gotham City and Metropolis. Jackalope believed that Aesop would be able to carry out Jackalope's fantasy of getting vengeance on Bruce Wayne, the individual Jackalope blamed for his firing.[1]

Escape of Doctor Aesop[]

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