- "The problem of you on top of everything else. You above all. Ah, because that's what God is. Horus. Apollo. Jehovah. Kal-El. Clark Joseph Kent."
- ―Lex Luthor to Superman[src]
Horus also known by his alternative name of Heru, was a god worshipped in Ancient Egypt.
Ancient Times[]
Around 2600 B.C., the Council of Wizards chose the individual Hurut as their champion, bestowing among other abilities, the Speed of Heru. Soon after, Hurut discovered his father Teth-Adam dying from wounds inflicted by his enemies, leading him to bestow his powers to his father.[1]
While discovering the true identity of Clark Kent and blackmailing him to kill the Batman, Lex Luthor compared Superman to numerous deities, including Horus.[2]
Release of Teth-Adam[]
In 2021, Black Adam was released from his prison due to the actions of Adrianna Tomaz. During his subsequent fights with Intergang and the Justice Society, Teth-Adam made frequent use of the Speed of Heru.[1]
- In an Egypt-themed bar located in Gotham City, there are hieroglyphic murals and themed tables honoring Horus and other Egyptian deities.[3]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Black Adam
- ↑ Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
- ↑ Time Out Shortlist Gotham and Metropolis (Gotham City) p. 20.
External Links[]
Horus on DC Database
Horus on Wikipedia