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"In one corner, we have serial arsonist and criminal mastermind, Mick Rory, aka Heat Wave."
Captain Boomerang[src]

Mick Rory, also known as Heat Wave, was a pyromaniac super-villain and a competitor in the Midnight Circus.


Midnight Circus[]

Confronting Sharon Kleinberg[]

"Come here, Sharon!"
―Heat Wave to Sharon Kleinberg[src]

Mick Rory became a serial arsonist and a criminal mastermind known as Heat Wave, until he was arrested and forced to combat in the Midnight Circus. When Heat Wave faced Sharon Kleinberg in a round, she was terrified to compete, trying to escape and beating her opponent, however, Heat Wave showed no mercy and burned her to death while having fun doing so. Barry Allen saw this on television and found it terrifying.[1]

Defeated by the Turtle[]

"It has frozen Heat Wave into a block of ice."
Captain Boomerang[src]

For his next round, Heat Wave had a confrontation against the Turtle, and Heat Wave was convinced to win, however the Turtle used the Cold Gun to freeze him, killing him, angering Captain Cold who exploded with anger against Barry Allen for giving his gun.[2]


"Let's fire this candle!"
―Heat Wave[src]




  • In the comics, Mick Rory is a pyromaniac who became Heat Wave, a professional arsonist and an enemy of the Flash.


External Links[]
