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"He put a crew together and broke into the lab at Gotham General."
Batman to Flash.[src]

Gotham City General Hospital is a hospital in Gotham City.[1]


Chase of Al Falcone[]

In 2022, criminal Al Falcone and his group of mercenaries broke into the Gotham City General Hospital's lab and stole a set a highly deadly virus, leaving a huge mark of destruction on the hospital. While Falcone and his team were pursued by Batman in the city, Flash arrived at the scene and, in the midst of the hospital's collapse, successfully rescued several babies falling from the top of the building.


  • The hospital's phone number is 1-467-555-0123.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Time Out Shortlist Gotham and Metropolis (Gotham City)  p. 62.

External Links[]
