An unnamed individual is the son of Darius and Samantha, during a Serena Williams match, he observed crying how his father was captured by Retrobots. Shortly after a group of heroines with Williams would bring his father back.
Retrobot attack[]
The kid assisted to a Serena Williams tennis match accompanied with their parents. However, a group of retrobots started attacking the Stadium, while one of them went to Darius to imprison him, where Samantha looked scared and the son started to cry for his father.[1]
Recovering his father[]
A short time later, Serena Williams along with a team of heroines put an end to the retrobots' attacks with the defeat of Doctor Cyber. This made it possible for the heroines to locate the cells and free all the prisoners, including Darius. Shortly after, the heroines would take Darius back to his son and his wife Samantha.[2]
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