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"If I can train you to move like I do, then we can recreate the Chronobowl."
"In the Speed Force."
"Speed Force?"
"And then maybe we can find some way to get me back to the future."
Older Barry and Younger Barry[src]

The Chronobowl is a plane within the Speed Force from which speedsters can look back in time and interact with the past in their memories.



"So, you're saying you went back in time? Like in Pozharnov?"
"Yeah, like in Pozharnov except, but in Pozharnov it was a second. This time I went back a whole day."
Bruce Wayne and Barry Allen[src]

Flash discovers the Chronobowl for the first time.

After being overwhelmed by his emotions while reminiscing about his childhood, Flash ran so fast that he entered the Chronobowl. There, he saw carousels of the past, and interacted with the morning before where he saved babies from the collapse of the building. Upon returning to the present, Barry contacted Bruce Wayne to inform him of the Chronobowl and his hypothesis that he could use it to save his mother, Nora Allen from dying. Concerned for the ramifications of Time Travel, Bruce warned Barry of the potential destruction of using it, however he offered Barry to instead move on unlike him and live his life.

However, while reconnecting with Iris West, Barry realized how to minimally change events to allow Nora Allen to live while potentially causing little damage to the timeline, and immediately went off to enact it.[1]


"If my mom doesn't forget the tomatoes in the first place, then he never leaves and she never dies. No one would even have to see me. Bruce said no interaction. This is no interaction. This is just quick in, quick out, back to the present, like I was never there. That's how i fix it."
Barry Allen[src]
Flash gets hit by Dark Flash

Flash gets attacked by the dark speedster.

Returning to the Chronobowl, Flash used the bowl to rewind time back to 2004, to bring a can of tomatoes to Nora so his father wouldn't need to go to the supermarket and allow Nora's killer to fail at killing her. As Flash, began to go forward in the Chronobowl, he looked on with happiness over the depictions of his new life. However, Barry noticed a dark speedster emerge in the bowl. The dark being ran and tackled Flash outside into 2013 as the dark speedster stayed in the Chronobowl.

The team on the Batcave

The team that Barry formed.

After this, Barry meets with a younger version of himself, with him accidently giving the younger Barry his powers and when realizing that this new universe has no metahumans to stand against the invading Kryptonian army, he forms a new Justice League with an older Batman, and Supergirl to try to save the planet from General Zod.[1]

Battle at Edwards Air Force Base[]

"Kara's dead."
"They're both dead."
"But they don't have to be, right? 'Cause we can go back... Like you did."
"But you're not fast enough yet."
"You sure?"
Young Flash and Older Flash[src]
The Flashes about to leave the Chronobowl

The Flashes prepare to leave the Chronobowl and save their teammates.

However, the fight ended up resulting with Zod's army killing Supergirl and Batman and obtaining the codex to continue to terraform the Earth into a new Krypton. Not wanting to lose everyone he cares for, the younger Barry used his powers to enter the Chronobowl, being followed by the older Barry. Using their powers, the Barrys went back to try a second time, however it ended with the same exact results. Still not giving up, the younger Barry went back, however the older Barry tried to convince him to stop, but the younger Barry refused and tried again, failing multiple times as the older Barry watched on in the bowl.[1]

Battle at the Chronobowl[]

"It's not entirely your fault, Barry. I pushed you out of the Chronobowl on that September 29th so you could start me on this path. How do you like our endless paradox? I made you create me."
Dark Flash to Barry Allen[src]
Multiversal collapse

Many universes' Chronobowls tear into Earth-1's Chronobowl.

Returning, the younger Barry questioned why the older Barry never helped, but he tried to explain that this was a inevitable intersection that couldn't be stopped and that he needed to fix his initial change. Upset the younger Barry refused to listen and went back, with the Dark Flash finally confronting the older Barry again, before the other Barry returned and shot lightning at the dark speedster, causing them to realize that Dark Flash is a future version of the younger Barry. Still not wanting to give up his universe, Dark Flash continued to use his powers, making multiple attempts, beginning to tear into the Chronobowl, allowing other universes' Chronobowls to begin to enter into the Bowl.

Barry stabbed

The Dark Flash accidentaly stabs the younger Barry.

Realizing that the older Barry was never planning to help, Dark Flash tried to kill him, but his younger self covered the attack from the older Barry, fatally wounding him, killing the younger Barry and erasing Dark Flash, and allowing the original Barry to go back to his change to undo his initial change and having a last moment with his mother, before finally going back to his universe after allowing his father to be perceived by a security camera to allow his alibi to be accepted in the present.

Despite the minor changes though, Barry's change had caused some major repercussions to his normal life, specifically Bruce Wayne looking like another person.[1]

Known Users[]


  • The Chronobowl appears to be inspired by the Time Sphere and the Cosmic Treadmill, due to its shape and how Barry must run in the Chronobowl to navigate the timeline.
  • Alternate timelines of other universes share the same Chronobowl as shown with Earth-1 and the Flashpoint Timeline.




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