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"Oh, we have got a companie."
"Batsy, Batsy, Batsy!"
Joker and Harley Quinn[src]

The Chase of Joker and Harley Quinn was an open confrontation between Batman against the Joker and Harley Quinn on the streets of Gotham City, which ended with the latter's incarceration in Belle Reve.


"Look, are you enjoying yourself?"
"No. That's your lady, Joker."
"That's right..."
"Yo, J!"
Joker and Monster T[src]

Monster T, a gangster crime boss, visited a strip club owned by the Joker. There, on behalf of all the criminal organizations in Gotham City, Monster T congratulated the Joker on his new escape, thanking him in advance for the huge profits he was making. With that, Monster T stared at Harleen Quinzel dancing in the center of the club, with lustful desires, an act that greatly displeased the Joker.

Joker kills Monster T

Joker kills Monster T.

The latter quickly called Quinzel, whom he supposedly offered as a gift to Monster T. Realizing the Joker's proposal, Monster T refused, claiming that Quinzel was his, and that he did not want "beef". The Joker, however, was not satisfied with the answer, so he proceeded to shoot Monster T in the head.[1]


"Puddin?... Puddin, I CAN'T SWIM!"
Harley Quinn to Joker[src]
Joker and Harley Quinn laughing

Joker and Harley Quinn flee from Batman.

That same night, the criminal couple fled the club in the Smiley Car through the streets of Gotham City. As the two laughed maniacally, Batman appeared driving the Batmobile behind the couple. After noticing their presence, Batman mounted the roof of the Smiley Car, causing a bitter Harley Quinn to take the Joker's gun and shoot him through the roof, blaming him for ruining her date. At that, the Joker made a sharp turn that drove his vehicle into a river, despite Quinzel's protests that she cannot swim.

Harley smiling to Batman

Harley Quinn is captured by Batman.

Batman then put on a breathing mask to dive into the river and arrest the criminals. However, upon arriving with the car underwater, he noticed that the Joker was gone, leaving Quinzel alone and unconscious. After grabbing her by the hair, Quinzel woke up and attempted to stab Batman with a knife, before being knocked out by the latter. Batman later rescued her from the river, carrying her on top of the Batmobile. Not noticing her heartbeats, Batman attempted to perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on her, only for her to come to her senses and begin kissing him complacently.[1]


"He took something from me. Now im gonna take something from him."

Shortly after the encounter, Batman revealed to Harley Quinn that, in revenge for the death of his sidekick, Robin, she would be incarcerated in Belle Reve Federal Penitentiary, a clandestine prison located in Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana.[1]

