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"Oh, that's the Bug Shield. Try pressing another button."
"Yeah, you know what? I think I'm keeping this one."
Jenny Kord and Milagro Reyes[src]

The Bug Shield is a shield made of solidified light-blue energy designed by Ted Kord.


The Bug Shield was developed by Ted Kord to be used in his activities as Blue Beetle, being abandoned on the Bug Ship after his disappearance. When Jaime Reyes was kidnapped by Kord Industries, Jenny Kord gave the shield to Milagro Reyes to infiltrate Pago Island, which she used to confront and defend herself from the soldiers when they opened fire on her, then hitting one of the soldiers which Jaime Reyes stopped.[1]


The shield consists of a Nintendo NES Power Glove, which can project solidified blue energy to generate a shield or fist which the wearer controls. After a series of shots, the shield weakens and begins to fade, causing Milagro Reyes to be damaged by one of the bullets.

