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"We're a small group of reactionary terrorists who wanna turn back the clock in Europe a thousand years."
Black Clad Beta[src]

The Black Clad were a small terrorist organization operating in London during the War for Earth. They wanted civilization in Europe to return to the Dark Ages and hated anything supernatural.


Rescue at the Old Bailey Courthouse[]

In 2017, after arriving at the Old Bailey Courthouse, the Black Clad took out the guards and took an entire group of school students and staff hostage. Their leader activated a bomb inside the courthouse, but luckily, Wonder Woman broke through the doors and protected the hostages with the Bracelets of Submission, took out the Black Clad members, and threw the bomb out of the building and into the sky as it exploded. And finally, Wonder Woman took out the Alpha and freed the hostages, thus putting an end to the Black Clad.[1]

Known Members[]



