- "But now, I'm a husband and a father, and wouldn't have it any other way."
- ―Arthur Curry[src]
Arthur Curry, Jr. otherwise known as Junior, is the son of Arthur Curry and Mera.
Arthur Jr. would be born in the surf, near the lighthouse in Maine, with the aid of his grandmother Atlanna and his grandfather Tom filming the event.
Jr. is a baby and can be easily amused. He loves being told stories by his father and even gets amused when he urinates in his father's face when he's getting changed. One instance, when his father was changing him, Jr. attempted to spray his dad, only for his mother to manipulate his urine stream to hit his dad, which amused both him and his mother. Like any baby however, he's up at all hours of the night.
Powers and abilities[]
- Marine telepathy: Even though Arthur Jr. was a baby, he demonstrated the ability to talk to other sea creatures, he did this at home when he talked to fish in the aquarium. He also demonstrated the ability when he was in danger of being harmed by Manta and his father picked up on it.
- In the comics, Arthur Curry, Jr. took the codename Aquababy, until he was tragically murdered by Black Manta.