Shazam! (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) contiene la composición realizada por Benjamin Wallfisch para la película del mismo nombre.
- The Consul of Wizards
- Seeking Spell
- Compas
- Seven Symbols
- The Rock of Eternity
- Subway Chase
- It's You Or No One
- Dude, You're Stacked
- This is the Power
- Bus Rescue
- You'are Like a Bad Guy, Right?
- Them's Street Rules
- Superman It
- Supervillian
- You Might Need It More Than Me
- Come Home Billy
- Give me Your Power
- His name Is
- Sentimental Nonsense
- Run!
- Play Time's Over
- All Hands On Deck
- I Can Fly!
- Fight Flight
- We've Got a Lair
- In Home
- I Name of Gods